TfL is committed to working with you to achieve Vision Zero.’

Rich in national operators. City of London Corporation showcased City Square mile freight at TfL full house at Palestra for peak period freight meeting.

Opened with paramedic road traffic video by Vicky Lebrec from Roadpeace, ‘I was hit by a tipper truck

Focus on Vision Zero. ‘It's not just those run over, it’s the driver too.

Alex Williams,

Vision Zero and the Direct Vision Standard. HGVs make up 4% of road miles, but are responsible for more than seventy per cent of cycle accidents.’ We need to protect drivers from being involved in road accidents, the challenge is immense, I encourage you to continue with driver training, we have campaigns running to promote safe cycling, TfL is committed to working with you to achieve Vision Zero.


Christina Calderato, RECAP

Safety permit begins 2019 for HGVs - In London we have a problem with the ratio of cycle fatalities with cycles. Christina recapped on the March presentation of data on HGV cycle issues, HGV safety permit scheme and Direct Vision. The star ratings, zero to five stars, a technical protocol to rate vehicles, we have piloted this since Oct 31st. Safe systems, mirrors, cameras and audio alerts.

From Oct 2020 all zero-star HGVS will be banned from London. TfL are working closely with Europe on the Direct Vision Standard. Next steps, Phase 2b 8 Jan 2019 begins with the final proposal of how the system works, with statutory consultation aimed at Spring 2019. Purchasing a vehicle today that has a star rating for Vision Zero will be then be valid for ten years.


Bruce McVean, Draft City of London transport strategy

Our vision, streets that inspire and delight, world class connections and a Square Mile that is accessible to all.’ Our document, City Streets, 10 outcomes and 54 proposals. ‘A strategy for the next twenty years of the City of London transport strategy. We expect 90,000 more people in the Square Mile in the next decade, density in the city road space is a key safety issue. We have defined essential traffic, freight is clearly essential, we want to work with you to shape the city in a way that works to get goods to where they need to be for people to do their jobs.

City Streets, 10 outcomes and 54 proposals. Traffic levels in the City are too high, we are proactively seeking to reduce motor traffic, we need to prioritise walking, improve cycling, (2016 cycle superhighway made an impact). City Corp is set to improve access and work with you to improve the management of freight. It will come as no surprise we want to see consolidation, re-timing and re-mode of vehicles, small electric vehicles, cargo bikes and the river. We recognise need for best use of the kerbside. Parking available to commercial vehicles.‘ ‘Deliver Vision Zero to eliminate death and serious injuries from the City of London.’ ‘Improving air quality, the city want to go further, we want a co-ordinated approach but we propose meanwhile two local zero emission zones, Barbican and the City cluster where the highest concentration of people are in the City.


Lilli Matson, director of Transport at TfL.

TfL are looking at land within their estate to provide space for distribution points.’ An overview of the freight action plan ‘The City is changing, our city will transform, three themes, safe, clean and efficient. Land for freight is essential. Vans are a significant number of vehicles, our policy recognises the changing nature of the vehicles.

(Safe) freight and road danger, TfL needs to deliver safer streets, programme for safer junctions, working with construction sector, produce traffic management data, work closely with Direct Vision Standard. We are looking to encourage all road users to operate safer behaviour.

(Clean) This Mayor is passionate about clean air, we want to be really clear about the requirements and time scales of compliance coming in. We continue to lobby for scrappage schemes. We are working to go beyond ULEZ, publishing guidance for the boroughs, supporting electric freight vehicles across London.

(Efficient) Looking at road space in corridors related to time, space and schedules. Other modes from road to rail and waterways. Upscaling trials that impact of final mile deliveries.



2018 news dec tfl freight alex williams

Alex Williams TfL


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2018 news dec tfl freight city of london corporation bruce mcvean
City of London Corporation Bruce McVean



2018 news dec tfl freight transport director lilli matson
Lilli Matson, director of Transport at TfL. ‘TfL are looking at land within their estate to provide space for distribution points.’