OFSTED Outstanding!

Logistics deliver in the Heathrow heartland is rated outstanding by Ofsted.

West Thames College in the logistics heartland of Heathrow is officially Outstanding! Following an extensive audit, rated Outstanding for quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, education programmes for young people, adult learning programmes, and provision for learners with high needs!

Tracy Aust, CEO & Principal, said it best:

I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved and this is a true testament to the hard work, dedication and passion of our amazing students, staff, governors and partners. We’ve been on our Journey to Outstanding but this is by no means the end. We remain absolutely committed to putting our students first, being ambitious, upholding high expectations, and serving the needs of our communities.


West Thames' Chair of Governors, Stuart McGeoch, added:

Being rated Outstanding by Ofsted is a well-earned reward for three years of hard work by our staff, management, and Board. Our focus has always been creating an outstanding student experience, as confirmed by inspectors. We’re excited to build on this success and enhance our contribution to the local skills environment in West London.


The Ofsted report said West Thames students "thrive", are "motivated and ambitious", and love the "inclusive, welcoming environment.’