ADR (Accord Dangereux Routier) are European regulations concerning the international transport of dangerous goods by road.
Courses will depend on the goods being carried and the vehicle in which substances are being transported. Core training is required by all drivers. Packaged goods training and a tanker module are also available for drivers whose work requires these modules.
Download the factsheet for full details.
Course details
ADR courses are required for any driver who carries hazardous materials in any vehicles. All drivers must pass module one – the Core Module, regardless of the type of vehicle they will drive or the chemicals they will carry. They must then pass either module two (tanks) or module three (packaged goods), or both if they wish. They can then choose from any combination of the classes, modules four to twelve, depending on the class of chemical they wish to carry. Training and testing is available for all modules except Module 1 and 7 – Explosives and Radioactive.
ADR Core/Packs & 7 classes (modules C,P, 2,3,4,5,6,8,9) 3.5 days instruction.